Monday, September 10, 2012

September update

These past two weeks I haven't done as much stitching as I'd intended. I thought it would be interesting - and might give me an incentive to keep stitching -  to add some sparklies to the Fairytale Castle, so I've missed a few stages and moved up to one of the beaded flowerbeds. I was a bit anxious that on 32 ct the beads might be too close together to be manageable, but so far, so good! I'm looking forward to adding some more next week - along with finishing frogging the colour I wasn't satisfied with.

Sparklies added
 I've added a bit more to the biscobud. I decided to experiment a little with Algerian eyelets and Jessica stitches as a change from cross stitches. I think I will put something sparkly between the two outer layers to see what it looks like. This an experimental biscobud, so I will enjoy playing!

Biscobud update

I did start the Westie puppy on pink evenweave. It doesn't look as bad colourwise as I had feared, but so far, all I have stitched is one ear, so not worth a photo.

Last week we spent two days in Harrogate visiting friends. It was lovely to see them again and spend time catching up on family news. (It occurred to me that we have been friends for 45 years on October 4th this year!) We spent a pleasant afternoon looking round Benningborough Hall where I was intrigued by the display of Victorian lace in the laundry room. There were also a couple of pieces of delicate embroidery. The photos aren't best quality, and the light wasn't good because of the window bars.

Some of the Victorian lace and embroidery at Benningborough Hall

Afterwards, we had tea outside in the sun, and were entertained by the antics of several blue tits who came to see what crumbs we had left. (We had actually put some on an unoccupied table next to us.)

Again, not the best photos!! The chaffinch and great tit were too shy to hang around long enough for me to focus my camera!!

A busy fortnight looms, so not sure how much stitching or updating will get done.
Till next time, then, whenever that happens to be!