Thursday, January 29, 2015

Snow, Snow, thick thick snow - or something!

Blizzard conditions this morning, and I was looking forward to our garden looking as well-tended as everyone else's. Some hope!! By the time I had remembered where I had put my camera and worked out where the best place was to take a picture, most of what was left was muddy slush! That's typical of snow in Derby. However, now it's dark, snow has started falling again!!

I seem to have spent the past fortnight or so coping with an elderly friend who has been in hospital with pneumonia. For a few days it was touch and go whether he would recover or not, but he's back to where he was before. Not exactly fighting fit since he's very deaf, has inoperable cataracts, and arthritis which has rendered him almost completely immobile. But he still gets some enjoyment out of life, especially visits from friends. He has no living relatives, so relies very heavily on us. I am very touched that amongst the few possessions he has in the nursing home is a cross stitch picture of an owl I made for his 75th birthday. 

Anyway, he has been transferred to a different, hopefully better, nursing home, and we are looking forward to continued improvement in his health.

Slight panic over the weekend. I discovered on Friday night that we had no preacher for Sunday morning. So guess who had to prepare a service with less than 48 hours notice! I was very glad I had a good team to assist with prayers and readings. It was the first service I had led for about 3 months, and I found it quite draining, far more so than normal. But at least I know I can still do it, and without a panic attack, so I am quite looking forward to the next one on February 8th.

Sewing-wise, I have been progressing a bit on the cushion I am making for my younger sister. If you read my previous post, you will discover that is my UFO for January. 

Next one will be decided on Monday. Here's hoping it's not Frederick as he's on black, and I definitely do not like stitching on black in artificial light!

I had an explore of my ancient - at least 50 years old - knitting machine earlier today. It's a Jones, and the pattern book with it is from the 1960's. I must have a look online for repair and cleaning instructions, not to mention an instruction booklet! I haven't used it for 30-ish years!! Its great advantage is that it will cope with DK yarn: its great disadvantage is that it doesn't rib!! (Just found instructions at As far as knitting is concerned, though, I am trying out 4 ply dolls' clothes and plan on trying toe-up socks on circular needles, but that will be slow because of my wool allergy!!

At the quilting group I am working on a table-topper made up of tiny triangles. No pic yet as I haven't progressed very far! I am getting comments about a beginner not starting with miniature work, but since that's what I love, I'll continue!! It'll probably end up as a pot holder....

That's it for now. 


PS My new fridge-freezer arrived, and only just in time, but more on that saga next time.

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