Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catch-up time

Just a quick catch-up with my sewing projects. This past week I've been working on Mary's cushion, and have started on the large blue flower on the left. I'm hoping to get most of this side done before I see her next week. So far, I'm quite pleased with the way it's looking.

Mary's Cushion 31 July 2012
The previous week I spent on the Fairytale Castle. I'm at a less interesting part - hedge rather than sparkly!! But I can still see progress, and hope to spend a bit more time on it after I've been away visiting assorted grandchildren and sisters.

Fairytale Castle 22nd July 2012 - part-way through Part 1
Dalmation 31st July 2012
Now the Olympic Games have started, I am taking part in an Olympic SAL: making a start during the Opening Ceremony and aiming to finish by the Closing Ceremony. I've started a Westie puppy for a friend who is seriously ill, and a Dalmation puppy for another mutual friend. Both are kits, and both were on white. I thought they would look more striking on a dark fabric, so have started them both on 16 ct dark blue Aida. I like the effect. The problem with the Westie is crosses across material rather than holes.

Westie 31st July 2012
It may be a couple of weeks before my next update as internet access may be a bit hit-and-miss while I am away. However, it has been quite a long time since I last saw some of my grandchildren, and they are all growing up far too quickly! Maybe in about a year's time they will be living a little closer as our eldest son takes up his first curacy which he is anticipating will be in the Sheffield area. I can live in hope!!

Till next time

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Stitching and Health Update

At last the cushion is coming along very nicely. Not too many green visitors this week and noticeable (to me) progress. I've actually finished the lower gold-coloured flower and stitched another small leaf since this photo was taken, but there hasn't been enough sunshine to take any decent photos.
Cushion July 14th 2012

As you can see, I've been trying stitching with the hoop the other way, but I'm not sure I'm happy with that as I've run into a number of problems and had to move it anyway!

Christmas decorations for ORTs
I thought I'd post a picture of what I do with my ORTs (Old Ratty Threads). Unfortunately I dropped last year's ornament, so I'm hoping to replace it near Christmas. It was a lovely white bird, and I was so sad to have broken it.

Saw my GP this week who tells me my left lung still pops and crackles. She's sent me for an x-ray and blood tests, but it will be another ten days before I get the results. Not only that, but she's having to treat me for other issues the cough has caused, plus an allergy. The problem is, I seem to be allergic to the aqueous cream she suggested I used instead of soap! Oh well, if I need more rest, that's all the more stitching time, plus I still can't hold my guitar, so I have that time too!! Oh, and there's all the housework I can't do either - what a shame (LOL)!!!

This week I plan on spending a bit of time on the Fairytale Castle, so watch this space!

See you next time.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Progress - maybe!

Fairytale Castle Part 1 as of 25th June 2012
I wasn't able to take a decent photo of where I stopped stitching the FC last week as the weather has been so bad. However, I did take one yesterday evening in some lovely bright sunshine so you can see some of the sparkles. It is also quite a reasonable representation of the fabric colour. It's quite a large file, but I wanted to leave it intact because of the detail.  While I have been stitching, I have been daydreaming about the secluded pond with the sparkling fountains, the waterfalls and the water bubbling over stones. Maybe that's a bit fanciful! And my sympathies to Martina who has just lost a dear friend, so is having to delay on posting parts of her patterns.

Cushion 30th June 2012 - before frogging!!
This past week I have been working on the cushion. I have tried stitching whilst watching films, but have ended up doing a lot of frogging as I can't count and watch! So the photo is not quite up to date as there are fewer stitches in it now!

I came across the Papillon "Around the world in 80 stitches" SAL, and it looked intriguing. I have enjoyed the speciality stitches (so far) in FC, so decided to sign up. I have some wonderful de Haviland space-dyed threads which could look gorgeous in it, and I have some suitably-sized pieces of fabric from Sewitall, so i hope to spend a little time on getting that started this month.

This week I have joined yet another online stitching group - UKCross Stitch. It's quite relaxing not to have to think about time differences and slightly different meanings to words! And yesterday was the last chat I shall have with stitching friends the other side of the world. I will miss that. It was an almost magical time as distances disappeared along with time as it is a fairly instant response! Here's hoping for another way to chat!