Sunday, June 24, 2012


I've spent the last week treating myself to stitching some sparkles! I've spent the time on the Chatelaine Fairytale Castle, and to date I am quite pleased with how it is coming on. I took the photo yesterday in a rare spell of sunshine so that it really would sparkle. Unfortunately there seems to be a speck of blue dust on one of the Dense Rhodes stitches towards the middle top, though that is not obvious on lower magnifications.

Fairytale Castle 23rd June 2012 (am)
I have stitched a little more since taking this photo, so there are some more beads added, and I intend to finish infilling the centre black and gold square today if possible before returning to the cushion. I've just seen a very nice padded footstool which would look fabulous covered with cross stitch, but it's a fabulous price, too!!

Nearly time to chat, so I'll just add a few more stitches before going online!
Till next time - happy stitching

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Progress at Last

June 13th
June 17th
At last I feel I am making some progress on my sister's cushion. I've finally completed the main central bloom. The designer, Mary Hickmott, doesn't say what the flower is, but the more I've stitched, the more I've become convinced it's a pæony. My grandparents used to grow incredible scarlet pæonies in their front garden in Kent. I used to think my memory of them was faulty until at one time my dad made a comment about how unusual their colour had been, and that he'd never seen a scarlet one since. I have checked gardening books, and can find none listed. Sadly, when I went for a trip down memory lane a few years ago, they were no longer there, so one of the later occupiers must have disposed of them.

I now feel I can reward myself with a few hours on the Fairytale Castle. Part 4 is due in a couple of weeks, and I'm only a little way into Part 1. (For those who are anxious about the hoop being left on the cushion fabric, I have removed it while I work on FC!!)
Till next time.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Time Out

Well, I have been out of action for around ten days now. I think in that time I put a total of 50 stitches in the cushion cover. Our Dr has been treating me for pneumonia, though not actually diagnosed it, but the treatment has worked apart from a rather drastic reaction to the antibiotics she put me on - but there again, that might have been a migraine, or the migraine might have been part of the reaction! I have found any sort of activity, including stitching, very tiring, but things are getting better now. So no progress pics (again). To cheer myself up a little, I have "enrolled" into two of Chatelaine's online classes - Herbularius (72) and one of the herb stars to go with it (103). The latter doesn't start till next month, and the former has the last part issued next month. Both are beautiful, and I could almost wish I had nothing else to do but stitch these lovely designs!

A little OT, I have had great fun doing some jigsaw puzzles, including "Crazy Cats in the Craft Room" by Lesley Anne Smith. Perhaps I should upload a pic of the completed puzzle, but that will be added later once it is off my camera chip. My excuse: therapy to aid recovery of my sprained wrist!